
Why We Need to Pray to God - Making Time to Connect with Him? [faith]

There are many people out there who have never heard a positive answer for the question, "why we need to pray to God?" If you ask someone who has never even heard the term, "Why do we need to pray to God?" You are likely to get an answer like, "Because it makes me feel good." But there is much more to God's role in our lives than simply providing a sense of comfort.

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Far too often, people have a very "clerical" approach to God. They get so wrapped up in keeping up with daily life and praying that they forget about what He said in the Bible. That's a real danger, because He's clearly shown in the Bible that He is the One who is able and willing to bring His Son back to this world. Too often, we get so wrapped up in everyday life that we forget about who God is and what He's actually saying. That's why we need to get back to basics and learn to really recognize God's voice.

We have to realize that God's reason for being here is to bring His children back to Him and to make all things New again. We have to start seeing God as a part of our daily relationship with Him and begin to experience His presence and take Him into our lives daily. When we have that relationship, then we can look to God for help and find answers to every question we might have.

A perfect relationship with God doesn't happen overnight. It takes time to grow a meaningful relationship with Him. If we miss that first step, then we will never have that relationship with Him and won't be able to find the answers to the questions that have been plaguing us. Instead, we will keep searching for Him, but God won't show up. That's why we need to turn back to God and start having a relationship with Him by consistently putting Him in our daily prayer life. God wants to help us more than anything and He wants us to have that relationship with Him.

It's actually easier than you might think to have that relationship with God and to hear from Him. There are times when we don't feel like talking or we just don't feel like listening. Instead, we need to find some time to just sit down and pray. Praying just seems to make the heart sing and really connect with God.

The problem is though, sometimes we become so busy in our day-to-day life with jobs and family that we forget about God. Instead, we might try to meditate and pray and never take time for God. That's the worst thing that could happen. Instead of getting right with Him, we'll never hear from Him again and that can be devastating. Instead of getting right with God, we might see Him in the form of people and places and things and feel disconnected from Him.

It's hard to put God in the position of being our own personal assistant. We need Him to do everything for us and that means that He has to be active in our life to bring us the joy and peace that He intends for us. It means that we need to recognize His presence and trust Him. That's what it means to feel connected to Him.

In order to move beyond the world and go deeper into the valley of God, we have to make a conscious decision to allow God to be active in our lives. We must follow God instead of man and we have to submit to His ways. When we can't do that, it's going to be difficult for us to accomplish anything meaningful. Prayer isn't something that we just decide to do. It's something that we have to pursue and pray for on a regular basis.

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